As a form of self-therapy, Malcolm Fraser, founder of the Stuttering Foundation of America and life member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, recommends the following guidelines for stutterers needing immediate relief, even temporarily, in his book Self-Therapy for the Stutterer:
1.Make a habit of always talking slowly and deliberately whether you stutter or not.
2.When you start to talk, do it easily, gently and smoothly without forcing and prolonging the first sounds of words you fear.
3.Stutter openly and do not try to hide the fact that you are a stutterer.
4.Identify and eliminate any unusual gestures, facial contortions, or body movements which you may possibly exhibit when stuttering or trying to avoid difficulty.
5.Do your best to stop all avoidance, postponement or substitution habits.
6.Maintain eye contact with the person to whom you talk.
7.Analyze and identify what your speech muscles are doing improperly when you stutter.
8.Take advantage of block correction procedures designed to modify or eliminate your abnormal speech muscle stuttering behavior.
9.Always keep moving forward as you speak (keep moving your voice from one word or sound to the next, without repeating or back-tracking).
10.Try to talk with inflection and melody in a firm voice.
11.Pay attention to the fluent speech you have.
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